Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do you offer a free first consultation?
A. Yes. We are happy to meet with you free of charge to discuss your concerns and how we can help.
Q. Can you guarantee I will get the results I want?
A. No. We cannot guarantee the outcome of any investigation. However, we can guarantee that your matter will be handled in a most professional manner and at the highest possible standard.
Q. If I do not get the answer I want do I still have to pay?
A. Yes. You are paying for an investigation/surveillance to be conducted irrespective of the outcome which cannot be controlled by us. You pay for our time and expertise.
Q. Will I need to pay some money up front?
A. Yes. You will be required to pay a retainer usually around 50% of the estimated total cost for the job. The remainder is required to be paid on completion.
Q. Can I use a Credit card?
A. Yes. We accept all major credit cards, cash and cheques (funds need to be cleared).
Q. Will I receive a report?
A. Yes. You can expect to receive a full and formal report outlining the investigation process, the evidence gathered and the results of our enquiries.
Q. Is your report admissible in Court as evidence?
. Yes. Our reports are often submitted as evidence in Courts. The reports are usually viewed as an indication of what evidence was gathered and the quality of it. Our investigators may be required to provide an Affidavit outlining the processes involved in gathering evidence which is then presented in Court over and above the report. Sometimes, the report in toto is annexed to the Affidavit. Sometimes we will be required to attend court and the usual hourly rate will apply.
Q. Can you bug my telephone so I can record conversations or listen to them remotely?
A. No. The placing of listening devices either on telephones or in rooms is illegal and heavy fines and gaol terms apply.
Q. Are you Licenced?
A. Yes. All our investigators are fully licenced under the Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Act 2004 (NSW). The licence is issued by the NSW Police Service.
Q. Can I come with you when you do the surveillance?
A. No. Private Investigators are required to be licenced and it is an offence to do the work of a Private Investigator if you are not licenced. Therefore, only licenced investigators are able to lawfully conduct surveillance. However, there might be a requirement for you to attend for a very brief time for the purposes of identifying the subject of the investigation and special arrangements can be made for this to occur.
Q. Do you have access to a persons bank account details, tax records, drivers licence or silent telephone records?
A. No. Under Federal Privacy Laws we do not have access to a persons personal information with banks and Government departments etc. However, there are other lawful avenues of enquiry we are able to explore.
Q. Will anyone else know that the investigation is being done and that I have hired you?
A. No. All our client dealings are strictly private and confidential.
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36-B W 1st Ave, Miller, SD 57362, USA
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Phone :
+1 123-456-7890